Sunday 22 January 2012

Oh yeah, this familiar feeling!

It’s that time again. I’m waiting, counting down the days, counting the lines on my ovulation tests, counting the minutes of the dreaded two week wait. Counting the signs, counting the number of birth announcements  and growing bellies on my facebook page, wondering if that’ll be me soon, counting down the days left of having to watch that pregnancy test staring me down every time I go to the bathroom. Counting the number of times I check if my boobs are hurting or the number of twinges I feel or if I’m more tired than usual. I think now my boobs are actually hurting from me squeezing them every two minutes to check if they are sore. 

How different the experience of a woman trying to conceive and the one who accidentally happens to. Complete science fiction to me to just wake up one day and realize that oops my period is late and I didn’t even know I was in my two week wait, hell I’ve never even heard the term! Wow do I ever sound bitter. Time to have a imaginative glass of vino and chill out! I need to keep my mind occupied with other things, walking the dogs always helps me, then I can focus on things like “how dorky do I look in this visi-vest?” and “did Higgins just pee on Tiko’s head?!!”.

It’s been 4 days since 2012 insemination #1+2  and total IUI cycle # 7. The progesterone is making me weepy and over sensitive but I’m very excited to get this party started again.