We have hit the cusp between spring and summer on our
travels. Sitting in parks with the sun beaming down so strong it almost seems
angry. Walking on hot pavement and squinting up at high-rises with so many
windows reflecting the light it almost seems a human made supernova. Dusty side
roads and windows down on the highway. Finding the best ice cream shops
wherever we go. Falling asleep to the view of the Calgary tower and coffee in
the morning on the patio. Trying to ignore that achy feeling that there’s a
reason we’re here. Doing my best to trust my body, trying to be its friend even
though it’s let me down again and again. Baby duck watching and warm breezes
through the trees. Grateful for couches and beds and air mattresses we’ve slept
on, curtsey of good friends. Picnics in
parks and grass on bare feet. Wiping tears and magic lotion that takes away all
pain when you’ve fallen at the playground. Exploring so many new parks and
streets and so much walking through crowds, waiting at red lights. Tomorrow we
are westbound. Goodbye Alberta, you’ve been a gem.