Saturday, 14 April 2012

On the road...

We left home the day before yesterday, I had a lovely three (!) hour sleep that night much like a kid before Christmas, my little car fully packed and our little hearts filled with excitement. It rained the entire day, the entire 10 hour drive the windshield wipers did not get any rest and moved like an old clock swinging its pendulum back and forth. We spent the night in McBride and had a surprisingly good sleep after a hot tub and a phone call reassuring us the dogs were doing good (yes, we are those kind of dog owners). The next morning I woke up at my regular 6 am, opened the door to outside and yelled "Good morning McBride!!!" don't ask me why. We were on the road at 7.30. The rain turned to snow as the road climbed higher and higher and Squishy (my car) fought off the slush of every semi truck we had to pass on the way. We went through a small section of Jasper National Park and the fog was so thick and low we did not see an entire mountain. We did however see a herd of Elk enjoying some brunch, a black fox, a coyote, countless deer and so many crystal clear lakes I had to hold my breath they were so beautiful.

Then the GPS lady (me) got us lost in downtown Edmonton trying to find IKEA (which is not downtown Edmonton) but we finally found our way to the Swedish oasis and as Venessa put it "I only lost my shit twice!". We ended the day pulling into Red Deer to visit family and spend the night. Stayed up way past our bedtime, got a royal tour of the city and shared many, many laughs and memories. Today we are off to the mall (one of those real malls with actual stores, unlike the empty, ghostly mall where we live) then we are off to Calgary to probably get lost again, hopefully get pregnant and visit more dear ones. Keep your fingers, toes and eyebrows (?) crossed for us in the next few days!