Thursday, 28 June 2012

Sangria, the Spice Girls and crazy trains

This was my favourite insemination trip, I put my focus on fun instead of worry and had the best time. Sangria in the sun, walking on side streets dreaming of houses we want to live in, lilac trees in bloom surrounding us, got spoiled, laughed until my tummy hurt at a bunch of gays (including Venessa and Kevin) singing Spice Girl’s wannabe on stage, slept way too little and got to come home to the sweetest surprise ever.
Also while I’m looking at the bright side for a change, this was my last round of clomid, ever! I’d like to thank you for the late night crying fits, the extra 10 pounds of bloat and the “bitch crazy” looks from my wife. Sayonara crazy train! 

Saturday, 23 June 2012

Loco on the road

4.03 am, 10 hours into our trip and one too many coffees

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Cedar boxes, garden dreams and tiny fire dancers

Finally planted some herbs and greens, built some boxes to house them and cleaned out and burned about 200 pine trees. No biggie!